Friday, August 23, 2013

Difficult NFL predictions: Contenders forced to the wildcard.

According to my The NFC West, NFC East, and AFC North all feature two teams with legitimate championship aspirations.  The NFC North and South could also make that claim, but not every good team gets to make the playoffs.  The Chiefs will make the playoffs, but I do expect them to be a contender.

One of these quarterbacks will have a good season.
The NFC West:  The Cardinals will improve, they have some elite players (especially Patterson and Fitzgerald) but their offensive line is still bad, and while Palmer is an improvement at QB he is not fast enough with his feet or reads to thrive with this little protection.  The Rams will be tough every week, but their young talent is still a year away...maybe, I could see them as another western wild card team (but they will not pass the Redskins, Seahawks, or 'Niners so long as their quarterbacks are playing).  
Seattle:  The Seahawks might be the best team in the league, or they may be the 3rd best in their division.  My rankings placed them in a tie for the forth best team overall, but behind SF, which would make them once again a contender on the road.  I think that Seattle's pass rush is good, but not great.  I think the same of their offensive line.  I think that teams will be ready for the read option offense and force Wilson to throw from the pocket.  I think that I might only think all of that because I am a 49ers fan and Seattle is frighteningly good.  
San Francisco:  I have SF ranked as the second best team overall.  I expected them to be the best.  I scored them low at receiver, cb, and safety, but all of those positions could turn out to be stronger than predicted (if the rookie Reid can play with nuance, if Nnamdi Asomugha rediscovers his play back by the bay, or if Crabtree returns near his full form).  I scored those positions extra harshly to compensate for my bias as a 'Niners fan.  I think that Kaepernick will improve in his second year as a starter.  My fear for the Niners is that they are probably the most talented team in the league, but it is hard to recover from losing the Superbowl and every team wants to take them out.  I costly injuries, turnovers, and mental mistakes can cost the Niners a few games, and I could see the 'Niners winning ten or eleven games but losing the division to the 'Hawks and missing the playoffs in a tie breaker.  I hope I am right, but in the NFL nothing is certain, especially when you share a division with another contender.  
The Prediction:  I expect the Niners and Hawks to split the season series, but the Niners to get revenge against the Rams (in a sweep) for their going winless against them in 2012.  When the Hawks and Rams split their games that creates all the separation these two powerhouses will see in the division.  

One of these quarterbacks will not have a good season.
NFC East:  The Cowboys and Eagles are good enough to win some games, but not good enough to beat out the Redskins or Giants for a playoff spot.  The Cowboys are doomed by erratic play, general dysfunction, and poor play from their offensive line and defensive backs.  Tony Romo does everything he can to keep the team afloat, but the fans blame him for his inability to generate defensive stops, open up holes for the running backs or provide his own pass protection.  The Eagles fans are grateful that their team shows considerable improvement under Chip Kelly and are understanding that it takes time to rebuild a defense with serious holes...Just kidding.  The Eagles are greatly improved upon last seasons embarrassment but are still booed during a late season home loss.   
Washington:  The Redskins get a healthy RG3, who is able to play most of the season.  He is effective, but gives out an average of 3 cardiac arrests per week in the Washington area due to his reckless scrambles.  The Redskins play well but feel the loss of the draft picks traded to get Griffin when they do not have the depth needed to adjust as mid season injuries take their tole.  The offence is excellent as directed by the Shanahans with Griffin to pilot it.  They are able to win just enough games to slip past the Bears and Falcons as the last wildcard team in the NFC.  
New York Giants:  The Giants start the season with a few disappointing losses but finish strong.  As the Niners and Seattle are battling away in a difficult NFC East the Giants take control of the East and claim the top NFC playoff seed.  Eli is fantastic and the Giants pass rush returns to Superbowl form.  

AFC North:  The AFC North is used to sending two contenders too the playoffs, they are just not used to
I projected the Bengals to make the wild card, but I would
not be shocked if they morphed into the AFC's best team.
one of them being the Bengals.  The Steelers are still too old defensively and their offensive line is not dependable enough to be a run behind dependably or to give Big Ben the protection he needs.  In spite of this they are still going to contend for a playoff spot, because that is what teams comprised of aging champions do.  The Browns are a tough team with real talent and if they were in an easier division they might be a winning team, but they will have a tough time against their divisional foes.  
Cincinnati:  I did not expect to project the Bengals as contenders, but they are a talented team that is well coached and keeps finding good players.  Teams do not luck their way into the playoffs from inside the AFC North, and back to back playoff trips show that the Bengals are priming to make a real run.  Making the playoffs is no longer enough, they need to win in the post season, and they will have a chance to do it.  
Baltimore:  I expected to project the Ravens out of the playoffs.  The cost of contending year in and out is harsh, and they paid it through the loss of several great players (and leaders).  However the Ravens were intelligent in how they filled the gaps, they did not over pay for anyone (Except maybe for Flacco, but teams cannot really overpay for a franchise quarterback), and they understood that increased production from one position can make up for a loss at a different position.  The Ravens of 2013 are just as talented as the Ravens who won the Superbowl but their success depends on players matching the instincts of Lewis, Boldin, and Reid, not just their physical abilities.  I think they will to the tune of a third strait division championship (but not a Superbowl title).  

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