Friday, September 20, 2013

No, the NFL has not 'solved' the Eagles' offence, and the Read Option is not dead.

The solution to any offense.
The news is in, the read option is dead and Chip Kelly's offence is solved.

Here is his how you beat the read option:

  • Have your outside linebacker clobber the quarterback whenever he is a run threat.  Coaches will protect The Franchise and instruct the QB to hand the ball off, turning the Read Option into a Inside run with a Fake Option.  

Here is how you beat the Oregon/Eagles/Chip Kelly offense:

  • Have your offense eat up the clock, this gives your defense time to rest.  
  • Use Linebackers and a Roaming safety to limit Quick Passes (screens, slants, ins, outs, etc). 
  • Pressure Vick/The Quarterback, this prevents the deep passes that exploit a 1 deep defense, makes finding the proper read near impossible, and forces offensive errors.  
With perfect execution of scheme even a skinny
short guy can be impossible to defend.
That all works, and has worked to start the season, but it is an oversimplification of the Read Option and Chip Kelly's System.  In an excellent StI/MMQB article about the NFL teams studying how Stanford defensive coordinator Derek Mason schemed to stop the Oregon offense the Read Option was compared to a Pick and Roll in basketball; and the description is apt.  The beauty of the Pick and Roll is that it forces multiple defenders to make quick coordinated decisions, and every choice the defense makes creates a different opening for the offense.  
This is how the read option and pick and roll offense are correlated: 
  • Due to a Screen by the power forward (extra blockers freed by making a linebacker the read man) the running back or point guard has an advantage over the defender responsible for him.  If the help defender stays on his man (the Outside Linebacker keeps contain and stays with the QB) then the point guard/running back takes the easy path forward (into the second level of defense).  
  • If the first help defender (the linebacker being read) commits to stopping the point guard (chases the running back) then the screen man is left open (the QB keeps the ball and runs), this is how Clay Mathews and the Packers were torched by Kaepernick and the Niners in the playoffs.  
  • The help defender can 'show' help defense, buying time for the primary defender to get in the driving lane without fully leaving the player he is responsible for.  This underneath defense leaves an opening for a 3 point shot, a high risk high reward option.  This is what several NFL teams have done to counter the read option.  The OLB does not fully commit to the hand off or the QB keeper run but focuses instead on collapsing the space the offense has to run their play.  In this way the OLB is 'showing' against the run but still able to recover and keep the Quarterback from turning the edge if he chooses to keep the football.  Soon offenses will adjust to hit the equivalent of the 3 point shot; while the OLB is focused on defending two running lanes the quarterback will simply read what is avalible and throw a pass into a zone the linebacker is typically responsible for.  
Of course this over simplifies both offenses and how they will evolve.  There are countless small shifts in how to run the pick and roll and read option, and for every choice the offense forces the first wave of defenders to make there are counter adjustments by the second level defenders, and those adjustments open up new openings for the offense.  

Those players are not decoys, each one is ready for the
ball (in this play it goes to the Tight End Celek).
The future of the Read Option is the Eagles Offense, and it does not require a running quarterback.  We have falsely associated the Read Option with mobile quarterbacks running.  A "Read" is simply the offense examining where the defense is weakest, and an "Option" play is simply one with more than one designed outcome.  The immobile Tom Brady can "read" the defense at the "mesh point" and chose to hand the ball off to a running back or pass the ball, all depending on what the defense is giving him (without ever being a running threat).  The Eagles already employ several of these plays.  On any given Eagles offensive play a Slot Receiver or Tight End will cross behind the linebackers while a Wide Receiver sets for a quick screen.  This gives Vick the option to hand the ball to Shady McCoy, run the ball himself, pass to Celek across the middle, hit DeSean Jackson for a screen or (if there is time) fling a pass deep to Jason Avant.  Somewhere lost in all of that action is an offensive player with an advantageous position on his defender.  The harder the defense tries to take away any single option the more the other options are open.  

The only option a defense has is the take away the easy reads, send pressure after the quarterback, and hope that they make a mistake before you do.  On Thursday the Eagles made the mistakes, and their 5 turnovers undid 431 yards of offensive production.  
With minor tweaks this touchdown run could have also
been a touchdown pass.  Come on Greg Roman, how hard
would the 'Niners be to defend if every Gore run could
turn into a pass whenever the linebackers committed.

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